The core principles of professional selling are:
01. Remember, People buy from the people they trust.
And People trust the people they like.
People like the people they can connect with.
People connect with people who show
- Authenticity
- Reliability
- Integrity and honesty
- Vulnerability
- Humility
- Empathy and Care
- People with whom they can relate.
Authentic connection and Empathy and Care build Trust. Our self preservation system can feel empathy and care. Trust is basis of all relationships.
02 People take decisions based on emotions and justify it with logic.
Emotional Engagement with customer is very important in selling but adding logic element is equally important. If customer is not given logical justification for buying this product then he will experience buyer’s remorse or buyer’s regret later.
03 Best known product wins over the best product.
Obscurity is the biggest problem. Problem is no one knows you. It therefore very important to get known. Accordingly build your personal brand as well as brand of your product. It is not only the brand but person behind the brand is also equally important.
04. In the age of social media the attention span of people have become shorter and is supposed to be equivalent to that of gold fish.
But to be successful in Professional selling, you have to get attention.
“Attention is the most important thing”. Attention is like a currency. So, “Be Memorable”. Show up quite often. Moreover, People remember faces more than Logos.
05.Everything remaining same when there is equality of Quality salesman is the differentiator.
06.Prospecting is the Life Blood of any Sales Process
“Always be prospecting”. Prospecting is not a fixed job. Don’t ever miss an opportunity to prospect whether you are in party or whether you are travelling.
07. Follow up, Follow up and all the money is in Follow up. Particularly when you are in B2B Sales where sales cycle is long.
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