Obstacles in sales success

01.Fear of Failure and Fear of Rejection: We have been told in the childhood to be successful always and we have been told repeatedly. But sales success is not success in studies. Here failure is part of the job. Failure or rejection makes you resilient. We have to cross the security and then we have to cross the reception. We then are redirected to another person who is not a decision maker. It sometimes depends upon our planning also. We create some reason or the other to postpone meeting the customer. We start discussion about the bad state of economy to justify our bad sale numbers. We take rejection as personal rejection. If someone is not buying from you it can be for any reason.  

02.Lack of Enthusiasm: Selling is transfer of Enthusiasm from Seller to buyer. Emotions are contagious. If you approach the customer with enthusiasm then that emotion is transferred to customer and you are able to break his chain of thoughts and he will listen to you with enthusiasm.

03.Lack of Self Esteem: If a little voice in you is telling you are not good enough. It is is the lack of self Esteem. When you are lacking in Self Esteem again you will avoid meeting the prospect and feel why should the customer listen to you.  

04.Lack of Follow-up: It has been observed that people quit so early and do not follow up long enough. In B2B Sales it takes at least 5 calls for the buyer to build trust so that he can think of changing the existing suppliers. But  for him to take decision in your favor would take at least 8 calls.

05.Lack of Planning: If you do not plan your calls properly it is also one of the major deterrent in sales success.

06.Not getting along with people: This is most important. If you don’t have people skills and are not able to communicate it is very difficult to get success in Sales. Listening skills are very important. Speaking is sharing whereas listening is caring. It takes patience and an effort to listen and stop our urge to speak.