How to Build Self Confidence

Self-confidence is a learnable skill. It takes time to build confidence but with constant practice and persistent efforts we can build self confidence.

01.Our thoughts influence our mind and affects our personality. If we Control our thoughts it will control our mind and personality. Its simple but not easy. Sometimes negative flow of thoughts overwhelm us. It is advisable to take a long breath and change the flow of thoughts.

02.Confront your fears and failures and fix them. It will increase your self confidence.

03.Set Realistic goals. If we set realistic goals and achieve them it increases our self-confidence.

04.Act Confident. It is well said as to “Fake it unless you make it”. Once you make it then you don’t have to fake it. Improve your body language to act confident. Walk upright.

05.Connect with others. Talk to new People. When we make an effort to talk to new people or take someone on date increases our self-confidence. 

06.Look yourself in the mirror and practice speaking. Improve your speaking skills accordingly. Improve your tone and tonality.

07.Explore the root cause of low self-confidence. Your Low self-confidence may be due to some incident during childhood or may be you have inherited from your parents.

08. Improve your personal grooming. Take care of your hair and style them properly. Wear clean ironed cloths. Exercise regularly. Play some sports. It will improve your self confidence.
