Happiness is a choice.Happiness is within us and not to be pursued in material things
Each one of us all the times of the day are in pursuit of Happiness. We look for happiness in material things and achievements which are outside of us. We forget to realize that happiness is within us. Happiness is not to be pursued but it has to be manifested. Happiness is our intrinsic nature. Being in a state of sadness is our acquired nature. This is something which we have acquired from our surroundings. It has been programed in our subconscious mind unknowingly.
More we pursue something more there will be resistance to it. It is the law of nature. Pursuit itself connotes that there is lack. When we do not find happiness our next step is to blame on luck or another person. We start feeling sorry for ourselves. Some of us even play victim card. They feel they have been victimized by society.
Let us now find the ways and means to manifest happiness. One of the most important tools in our kitty is Gratitude. It has been found in one of the studies that single action of gratitude itself increases our happiness by 25%.
We have to shift our consciousness from being victim to be in gratefulness. We only tend to be grateful for the things when we no longer have them. We should always be grateful every moment of the day. If we have food to eat, clothes to wear and bed to sleep then we are better than millions of people on earth. If we have a separate bathroom for our family and it has flowing water in it then again we are better than many million people on earth. Since we have been able to survive last night and reading this article as millions of people have not been able to survive last night it again calls for a celebration. Life is a celebration and every day is a new life for us. Every day brings new hopes and new possibilities.
We don’t live once but we live every day and then die once rather we pass on to new life to evolve further with imprints called Karma from this life. In a way death is also a celebration.
To make things simpler I recommend that all of us should keep a gratitude journal and write at least ten things we are grateful for each day every day. It takes almost 66 days to make a new habit and I feel this is the right time to start a habit now so that we can continue with the habit through New Year.
“Gratitude is the key which unlocks the doors of happiness”.
Another trick to manifest anything is to visualize you already have it. Not only you feel you have it but celebrate its presence.
We all feel good and happy when someone appreciates us. There is something in us which expands.
Life has very simple rules. If we want something in life we must first give it to others. When we appreciate others then appreciation comes back to us in abundance. We should always find time and genuinely appreciate others. Not only the other person feels happy but you will also feel happy.
“Learn to let go. Just Release it.”
Do you remember when you came home on the last day of Exam in school and you threw your bag away. This is called immediate release of worry. I will give another example like when you are not well and doctor prescribes certain worrying tests. And when those tests come back all clear there is immediate release of worry and tension.
Do random act of kindness
“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion”
“If you want to be happy, practice compassion”
Dalai Lama
Always Remember
“Nothing is permanent in Life”
“Even this will pass”
Appreciate both sides of coin
“If you want the rainbow, you have got to put up with rain”
By Sanjeev Gupta
Happiness Coach
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