Our intrinsic nature as human beings is Joy. We become depressed when we are not in present moment. We either live in past and regret or we worry about future. Neither we can change the past and nor we can do anything about the future. It is only the present moment which is in our control. We can make the best of now. We are living in the best time where even a poor person can build business from the scratch. It is only the now that we can do what we love and not love what we are doing. We can monetize doing what we love. We can be successful in whatever niche we are working. That is the power of internet. My purpose is not to promote the internet but to assure that we are living in a golden era. This is not a time to get depression.
My suggestion is to give some time to yourself away from the noisy world and go within. If you are not able to find yourself outside you will find yourself within. We have to manage ourselves within before we manage the outside world. Moment we stop growing we develop a victim mentality. Actually victim mentality gives us satisfaction as we have something to cling on. We feel we are not responsible for the present state of affairs. We are satisfied that it is because of country we live in, the time we live in or our color or our sex is responsible. Everything else but ourselves is responsible for the present situation. By remaining in depression gives us satisfaction and reason to blame person or situation. It is the most dangerous drug and we have to get rid of this addiction to blossom and live fuller life. We have to accept the people and situation as it is. We should come out of victim mentality to victor mentality.
We should practice mindfulness and do deep breathing and also practice box breathing.
Stay Blessed