“Hey Sanjeev”
Nice Shirt!!!!
When did you buy this shirt?Asked Sushil
“I also purchased the same shirt last week”
“How much did you pay for this shirt”I asked
I had paid Rs.1500/=.My heart sank,not because I had paid 300 more but I felt fooled.
“Nobody likes to be proved fool”.
One day I along with my Director Mr. B.M. Dua went to meet a customer.That customer had purchased Lab furniture from our competitor and had purchased at quite high price.But he was quite convinced that he had got a very nice deal and had purchased at very competitive price.I tried to convince him with my logic that he was wrong.My boss immediately took over the conversation from me and asked few questions regarding the purchase from the customer and very seriously started calculating and announced that they have got a very competitive deal.
When we came out of the customer’s office I asked Sir as to why he proved me wrong while he was wrong.
“Nobody likes to be proved fool”.
He told me that customer has already purchased the material.Lab furniture is something he is not going to purchase again and again.You can sell him other furniture items.But if you prove him wrong he will never buy anything from you.As soon as he would see you he would be reminded of the incident when you proved him fool.It would spoil his mood.Now when he has been proved right he will forget everything and can buy something which he would require.
It reminded me of the incident how bad I felt when I payed just 300 Rupees more whereas it was a matter of thousand of Rupees.I learnt a big lesson that day.
“Customer is always right”.
“Sales is easy and very addictive game”
In sales the same customer behaves differently at different times.We can never form an opinion of the customer.That is the beauty of sales.
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