Demand Forecasting in Retail Selling

Self Help
Demand Forecasting is predicting the future demand of our product in advance for a specific period of time on the basis of past historical data and current trends. It is useful in (1).Planning production of goods. (2).Budgetary Planning. (3).Suitable pricing and ad strategies. (4).avoiding wastage of products/goods Forecasting will vary depending upon kind of products for example (1). Consumer Durable goods (2).Non Durable Consumer goods (3).Producer Goods/Capital Goods Forecasting can be done at different Levels viz (1).Industry Level (2).Firm Level Forecasting can be for  different time frame (1).Short   term (6 months to 1 Year) (2). Long term   (2 to 5 years) Methods of Demand Forecasting (1). Qualitative Method (Survey Method) (2). Quantitative Method (Statstical Method) Qualitative Methods:- (a). The Delphi Technique or Expert opinion Method (b). Sales Force Opinion/ Collective…
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Stop Playing Victim and Take Responsibility

Self Help
We are all in pursuit of happiness.Everything we do or anything we want to achieve are for living a life full of happiness and fulfillment. Are we able to find happiness? We are seeking happiness through our 5 senses which are all outward like sense of taste, smell, sight and touch.All these senses give us temporary pleasure and looses its charm after sometime. Stop Feeling Victim I did not get right opportunities.Time is hard now.I was not born in good family.My health is not good.My family is not supportive.My siblings are disturbing.People feel nice and enjoy being in self pity.Self pity gives them a false sense of satisfaction and it becomes their habit. If you want to become really happy stop playing victim and take responsibility.It might have been possible…
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Relax.Don’t worry

Self Help
Let us all relax. Let us close our eyes and be with ourselves. Let us observe the breath. Breath is life force and our mood and all our behavior depends upon the breath. When we take a deep breath we are calm and when our breath is shallow we are angry or feverish etc. If we have control over our breath we will have control over our moods. Thanx. Lots of Love.
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Happiness Through Ages

Self Help
Life: According to research we have around sixty thousand thoughts in a day. More than 90 percent of these thoughts are  negative in nature. We have been designed in such a manner to have more of negative thoughts since our cavemen ages to protect ourselves from the day to day harm from animals. It was required at that time to remind the person all the time about the danger so that he is prepared. Human being has evolved since caveman times but human mind has not evolved with the changing circumstances. Whenever there is an upcoming danger a hormone called epinephrine is released. Epinephrine prepares us for Flight, Fight or Freeze response.  Most people know epinephrine by its other name—adrenaline. This hormone rapidly responds to stress by increasing your heart…
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Happiness is a choice

Self Help
Happiness is a choice.Happiness is within us and not to be pursued in material things Each one of us all the times of the day are in pursuit of Happiness. We look for happiness in material things and achievements which are outside of us. We forget to realize that happiness is within us. Happiness is not to be pursued but it has to be manifested. Happiness is our intrinsic nature. Being in a state of sadness is our acquired nature. This is something which we have acquired from our surroundings. It has been programed in our subconscious mind unknowingly. More we pursue something more there will be resistance to it. It is the law of nature. Pursuit itself connotes that there is lack. When we do not find happiness our…
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Let us all be grateful which leads to happiness

Self Help
Today is the first day of rest of my life. Its like my new birth. Life is a celebration. Come let us celebrate every breath, a “Life Force” and become what you are destined to become. You are one unrepeatable phenomenon here to fulfill the purpose of the "Greater Intelligence". To become what I am here for I have to cleanse the resistance to it with the light of consciousness. All my subconscious, which has lots of garbage needs cleansing and it is only the love of consciousness which can do the cleansing which leads us to  happiness and bliss. Sat Chit Annanda. Let me be grateful for 1.My Eyes 2.My Legs 3.My Arms 4.Roof over my head. 5.My Parents 6.My Wife 7.My Children List is long and space is…
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Change is the only constant

Self Help
Accept the present moment. Present moment can be good or bad but be aware of the fact that everything is changing and this will pass. If you still feel anxious.Meditate.   What is meditation? Meditation is doing nothing.Sit and do nothing.Speak nothing.Think nothing and let the thoughts pass on the screen of mind and and just be just be  a "Sakshi" a seer.Don't be attached to any thoughts and let them pass by as a movie. Life is a celebration and just celebrate every moment of it.Touch and feel every moment.Enjoy every moment of it.Don't let it go. Open your heart. Sing a song as song helps us to express ourselves be it pain or joy. Another expression of joy is dance.Dance and loose yourself in it.Be a part of…
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why are you suffering from depression? Be joyful.

Self Help
Our intrinsic nature as human beings is Joy. We become depressed when we are not in present moment. We either live in past and regret or we worry about future. Neither we can change the past and nor we can do anything about the future. It is only the present moment which is in our control. We can make the best of now. We are living in the best time where even a poor person can build business from the scratch. It is only the now that we can do what we love and not love what we are doing. We can monetize doing what we love. We can be successful in whatever niche we are working. That is the power of internet. My purpose is not to promote the…
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Life is a cup of tea

Self Help
Why are we tense,worried and stressed.Life is too short and simple to be spent worrying.We all live either in past or worry about future.Be in the present moment.We only have control over present moment.Let us make the most of it.
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