
Innovation is the Key to Sales Success in Modern Times

It is high time that we stop advertising and start innovating. You will have to differentiate your product to get noticed. Days of heavily advertising the substandard product and selling are over. Not only you have to differentiate but get noticed by. Now we are back to basics. In ancient times advertising was done by word of mouth. Then came the period of heavy advertising. Now again adverting is done through social media to the early adopters in your narrow niche. Narrower the niche higher the chances of getting noticed and get viral. Find the group which is most profitable. Find the group which is most likely to viral your product. Figure out how to develop/advertise/reward either group. Ignore the rest. Your ads/product should not cater to the masses. Your…
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Obstacles in sales success

01.Fear of Failure and Fear of Rejection: We have been told in the childhood to be successful always and we have been told repeatedly. But sales success is not success in studies. Here failure is part of the job. Failure or rejection makes you resilient. We have to cross the security and then we have to cross the reception. We then are redirected to another person who is not a decision maker. It sometimes depends upon our planning also. We create some reason or the other to postpone meeting the customer. We start discussion about the bad state of economy to justify our bad sale numbers. We take rejection as personal rejection. If someone is not buying from you it can be for any reason.   02.Lack of Enthusiasm: Selling is…
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Trust is basis of every sale

People buy from people they trust. Trust is the basis of every relationship and not only the relationship of buyer and seller. Trust is earned it cannot be purchased. But how do you build trust? By showing up. By providing value. But how do you show up in this noisy world. Make Videos. It has been proved that people remember faces more than your logos. So show up often. You have hesitation making videos. Everyone has. Give maximum value free. Now coming to value, you have to provide value the customer is looking for and not the value you have built in your product.  Once I was travelling from Delhi to Chennai. While I was getting my boarding pass person attending me tried to upsell me higher class. He tried…
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How to do need analysis in Sales

Need analysis is the essential part of the Sales Process. Need analysis is done differently for the different products like if the product is intangible or it is a new productivity tool in the form of software.It also differs when you are going to the customer or he walks in your showroom. Customers can be broadly classified into three categories. One who is neither feeling the pain of not having your product nor he is aware of your product.  One who is feeling the pain of not having your product and is aware of your product but still not planning to have your product. One who is feeling the pain of not having your product and is actively looking for the product and needs an expert in helping him buy…
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Sales communication

I went to meet a customer on Tuesday.He was very busy due to the visit of some Foreign Delegation.The moment he saw me he told me to come on some later day. "May I come on Thursday or Friday"I asked. "Please come on Friday" "Friday before Lunch or after Lunch"I asked He told before Lunch would be fine but don't come as soon as the office opens. "Sir Friday at around 12pm is Fine?So we are meeting on Friday at 12 pm in your chamber." As soon as I came out I wrote a Whattsapp message stating that we are meeting on Friday at 12 pm. In sales communication or for that matter in Business communication asking closed loop questions gives you positive response from the customer.If we ask open…
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Why you should not prove the customer wrong

"Hey Sanjeev"                            Nice Shirt!!!! When did you buy this shirt?Asked Sushil "yesterday" "I also purchased the same shirt last week" "How much did you pay for this shirt"I asked Rs.1200/= I had paid Rs.1500/=.My heart sank,not because I had paid 300 more but I felt fooled. "Nobody likes to be proved fool". One day I along with my Director Mr. B.M. Dua went to meet a customer.That customer had purchased Lab furniture from our competitor and had purchased at quite high price.But he was quite convinced that he had got a very nice deal and had purchased at very competitive price.I tried to convince him with my logic that he was wrong.My boss immediately took over the…
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Salesmen are not Born

Successful Salesmen can be trained. Sales is very noble profession.Sales is the only activity which means business and all else is just to serve the selling. Following are the few characteristics of successful Salesmen 01.Good Communication: Successful salesman should have good communication Skills.Communication Skill is a learn-able skill.With little practice and mastering some techniques this skill can easily be learnt.When salesman has a good communication skills he can easily put his point across in few words.Salesman should have both good written and communication Skills. 02.Life Long Learner:Successful salesman is a Life Long Learner.As it is aptly said you stop earning as soon as you stop learning.Salesman has to be in control of the market dynamics.He should be able to adapt to new gadgets and software.He should keep track of Industry…
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Stop Playing Victim and Take Responsibility

Self Help
We are all in pursuit of happiness.Everything we do or anything we want to achieve are for living a life full of happiness and fulfillment. Are we able to find happiness? We are seeking happiness through our 5 senses which are all outward like sense of taste, smell, sight and touch.All these senses give us temporary pleasure and looses its charm after sometime. Stop Feeling Victim I did not get right opportunities.Time is hard now.I was not born in good family.My health is not good.My family is not supportive.My siblings are disturbing.People feel nice and enjoy being in self pity.Self pity gives them a false sense of satisfaction and it becomes their habit. If you want to become really happy stop playing victim and take responsibility.It might have been possible…
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Relax.Don’t worry

Self Help
Let us all relax. Let us close our eyes and be with ourselves. Let us observe the breath. Breath is life force and our mood and all our behavior depends upon the breath. When we take a deep breath we are calm and when our breath is shallow we are angry or feverish etc. If we have control over our breath we will have control over our moods. Thanx. Lots of Love.
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Happiness Through Ages

Self Help
Life: According to research we have around sixty thousand thoughts in a day. More than 90 percent of these thoughts are  negative in nature. We have been designed in such a manner to have more of negative thoughts since our cavemen ages to protect ourselves from the day to day harm from animals. It was required at that time to remind the person all the time about the danger so that he is prepared. Human being has evolved since caveman times but human mind has not evolved with the changing circumstances. Whenever there is an upcoming danger a hormone called epinephrine is released. Epinephrine prepares us for Flight, Fight or Freeze response.  Most people know epinephrine by its other name—adrenaline. This hormone rapidly responds to stress by increasing your heart…
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